
Solo exhibitions:

2011   “I desideri sono già ricordi”, open Studio on the occasion of the
Seventh National Day of  Contemporary  Art celebrations, Rome;

2007    “To change man of progress, or choose the progress of man?”, Il Palazzo del freddo, Roma;

2004  A promise of happiness”, Arteincornice, Turin. Curator:  Adelinda Allegretti;

2004   A promise of happiness?”, Art and School and Art at School Project, Municipal, Modern Art Gallery , Cerreto Laziale . Curator:  Adelinda Allegretti;

2001   Homo faber, homo sapiens”,  Palaexpo Roof Garden, Rome. Curator of Catalogue:  Ferruccio Ulivi & Marta Savini;

1999   Variations on the theme”, Cript o f All-Saints Anglican Church, Rome;


Group Exhibitions

2010  Tutto un museo su una parete (microformato)”, Ar(t)cevia International Art Festival, Palazzo delle esposizioni, Jesi;

2010   Collettiva Ar(t)cevia”, International Art Festival, alazzo dei Priori, Arcevia (AN);

2009   “XIII Massenzio Art International Competion”, Rome;

2009   “Artists Exhibition for the World Peace March 2009-2010”, Utopia Gallery, Rome;

2008   Ambiente ecosistema”, Polmone Pulsante, Promotional Center  for Art and Research, Rome;

2006   X Massenzio Art International Competition”, Rome;

2006   “Terra di nessuno e luoghi d’elezione”, Polmone Pulsante,  Promotional Center of Art and Research, Rome;

2006  Terra di nessuno e luoghi d’elezione”, Biblioteca Comunale di Corviale, Roma;

2005   Anteprima Segni di Pace”, Artists for peace, Palazzo Valentini, Rome;

2005   “Il verde, l’acqua, l’ambiente a Roma, metropoli della Pace, Palazzo Medici Clarelli, Rome;

2004   “Come l’ombra”, Government Archives Building , Rome, for the celebrations of the centenary of the  birth of Marguerite Yourcenar. Curator:  Claudio Crescentini;

2003(*)  ESPOARTE International Art Competition, Civic Museum of Contemporary Art, Albissola Marina (SV). Curator: Livia Savorelli

Images of Art,  5th International Exhibition of the Woman Artist, Contemporary Art Center, La Rocca, Umbertide, Perugia, Italy.


(*)   Awarded the Prize of Critique ESPOARTE